Certified Quality Control Inspection Services

T. R. Arnold & Associates, Inc. requires all manufacturers to submit for approval a “Quality Procedures Manual” containing policies, procedures and work instructions encompassing their entire quality process.
Before the commencement of construction, T.R. Arnold & Associates, Inc. inspectors shall audit the manufacturers’ on-site quality process for conformance with the submitted Quality Procedures manual. Any deviations shall be noted and rectified before the onset of production.
T.R. Arnold & Associates, Inc. quality assurance inspection staff shall monitor the production of the products and note any failures to conform.
Inspectors shall stop the production of products in any stage of manufacture that fails to conform until the failure is corrected. No open construction shall be closed until the product is judged to conform.
All testing equipment and testing procedures listed in the manufacturers Quality Procedures Manual shall be verified by the T. R. Arnold & Associates, Inc. inspector.
All failures to conform shall be recorded on standard reporting forms and distributed to the manufacturer, governing bodies and LAHJ as required.
Copies of the reports shall be retained by T. R. Arnold & Associates, Inc. for ten years.
T. R. Arnold & Associates, Inc. is accredited to offer “Special Inspections” as identified in AC291 Table 1 in areas that we have expertise.
Highest Standards
Quality Assurance Inspection Policy
3rd party Inspection activities of T. R. Arnold & Associates, Inc. shall be conducted in accordance with established Standard Operating Procedures and Work Instructions and with the applicable provisions of ISO 17020 as well as other relevant international standards and guidance documents.
Manufacturers who apply for quality assurance inspection services shall be required to have a documented Quality System which is fully operational.
T. R. Arnold & Associates, Inc. will have and use adequate documented instructions on inspection planning and on standard sampling and inspection techniques, where the absence of such instructions could jeopardize the efficiency of the inspection process. Where applicable, this requires sufficient knowledge of statistical techniques to ensure statistically sound sampling procedures and the correct processing and interpretation of results.
When T. R. Arnold & Associates, Inc. must use inspection methods or procedures which are non-standard, such methods and procedures shall be appropriate and fully documented.

Safety is Our Priority
The requirements of those seeking T. R. Arnold & Associates, Inc. services are adequately defined and that special conditions are understood so that unambiguous instructions can be issued to staff performing the duties to be required.
Work being undertaken is controlled by regular review and corrective action.